Imperial lambda class shuttle
Imperial lambda class shuttle

imperial lambda class shuttle

Lando determines this message is from Qi’ra, and quizzed why Lando aludes to Qi’ra’s past relationship with Han, something they can use to their advantage. Here’s where it gets interesting on a personal level as a message is sent to the Falcon, giving them access to the Super Star Destroyer. Luke contacts the Falcon, learning the freighter is still immobile due to Boba Fett in Slave 1 as the Mandalorian and Valance swoop in, giving codes to accessand board the Executor – remember, Fett was onboard not too long ago in The Empire Strikes Back – while the Falcon finally kicks into life to see the shuttle dock in the Executor. Vader continues to tail Luke closely, blasting green fire at his X-Wing as Admiral Piett conveys the situation regarding the Hutts, something Vader is less than interested in listening to.

imperial lambda class shuttle imperial lambda class shuttle

The Hutts intend to send a message to the Empire, that while they are allies they are not ot be trifled with, but any hopes of sending that message in a non-confrontational way are dashed as the Executor spews TIE Fighters into space. We’re back in orbit over Jekara, the ISSD Executor looming ominously in the background as the stricken Lambda class shuttle holding carbonite frozen Han Solo hangs temptingly close to the Millennium Falcon as the incoming Hutt fleet approaches. My review of Star Wars #17 dived deep into my observation that Charles Soule has a rare talent in crafting comic tales that feel ready-made to be built into cinematic or television (these days same difference) moments, and War of the Bounty Hunters #5 once again hands us a number of such moments. Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Luke Ross, David Messina Letterer: Travis Lanham Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg, Neeraj Menon Cover artist: Steve McNiven Publication date: OctoPages: 25 They are not the only ones looking to recapture Solo: Boba Fett and Valance are both on a collision course with the Falcon and the Imperial shuttle holding Han Solo.īut neither group were expecting the Hutts to come with an entire armada…. Han Solo is currently frozen in carbonite and in the grasp of the Empire, but the rebels aboard the Millennium Falcon plan to take him back.

Imperial lambda class shuttle